Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about some of the things that help people when they are recruiting people they want to work with or for. Besides some of the more obvious, passion, fearless and others. Creativity is a key ingredient to successful job searches. I don't mean creativity in regards to what my kids think of when they are sitting over a coloring book with a princess in it.

Creativity in the job search is primarily:

-Identifying creative ways to connect with people (its more than their number). Use their email, use texting, use linked in, use facebook and other on line social media tools. Securing multiple points of contact allows you to to reach out to someone in various ways
-Uncovering hot buttons about your contact so you can tease them on the ways you would add value

Be creative by marrying aggressiveness with demonstrating ways you will add value! Go for it.


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