In a society where we are bombarded with different messages all day long, it is important to ensure you are sending yourself the right message. And it is just as crucial that you surround yourself with people who will reinforce that message when you doubt yourself. When you are dealing with challenges, you need people who will provide encouragement and support to keep going. Having a circle of trust is key to your success.
My circle of trust includes my husband, my parents, my brothers, and my closest friends. I can let my guard down with those closest to me and discuss my fears. My athletes also need people around them who will tell them the truth-not what they want to hear-but what they need to hear. That’s what we do for them.
You need a network of supporters who will encourage you to conquer your fears. They need to be people who know you well and who you trust and respect.
Your inner circle can provide support when you go through a major life-changing event. Your trusted confidantes can also provide a simple word of encouragement when you need a boost of confidence.
A young woman named Jessica recently told me that while she was searching for a job, she found herself losing confidence. She said that before each interview, her friend would send her a short text that said, “You are THE Jessica!” That text meant she wasn’t just any girl walking into an interview. She was a unique and talented individual who would add value in ways no one else could. She wasn’t just any Jessica, she was THE Jessica. It may sound trivial, but that short text provided the shot of support that made the difference.
Whether you are facing a fear that has plagued you for years or need just a small dose of support, create a circle of trust and surround yourself with people who will send you the right message.
By being fearless, you will be able to drive your business plan. The best of the best find a way to dig deep and pull out what it takes to manage each and every situation in a positive way. The right message is: yes, you can do it!
Go for it! And enjoy the journey.
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