Saturday, November 21, 2009

Three Keys

At a macro level lets think about the key tactics you need to execute to find a job, they are: fearlessness, consistency and information.

What do I mean?

Fearlessness: You have to want it bad enough to overcome the negative voice inside your head that tells you, "you can't" "this might not work" "your not qualified" etc. I could go on and on. Lose that voice; get ride of it. It is paralyzing you...totally paralyzing you. Insert positive thoughts in your mind whenever that negative voice tries to be heard. Force yourself to stay positive and be optimistic.

Consistency: We all meet people - some we think can help us, some we aren't sure, some we think can't. I would argue that if you took the time to meet them (and you are qualifying your meetings well) there is a small chance they could help you. Manage the relationship, nurture the relationship, consistently evaluate the relationship and, as needed, add value to the relationship - continue to contribute to the other persons world so they can constantly recognize your intellect and respectfully aggressive approach of impressing them.

Information: Knowledge is power. Remain informed as it relates to the other persons world. Specifically do in depth research so you can add unique insight and ideas to your contact so you can differentiate yourself.

Be fearless, remain consistent and gather information and you will secure a job - and a great one at that. Go for it!

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