Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Is more education important?

I often get the question, "With the job market as it is, should I simply go on and get more schooling?"

My answer is, it depends - profound huh. Let me explain. If you have never had a "real" job, I believe it is important that you get a professional job before you get a masters. Why? Because you need to wake up everyday and go somewhere, work for someone you may like or you may not particularly like; you need to figure out what you are good at, great at and not so good at. Figure out what you like and what you don't like. But, wake up and go somewhere and build something, contribute your skills, improve your skills and better understand your skills. Additionally, a masters right on top of an undergrad degree won't differentiate you much, if at all, in this environment. Not to mention you will (unless your parents have money) have debt. Yuck!

Don't approach the job search and think, "Well if I can't find a job I'll just go back to school." This is not a good approach because your passion, your fearlessness, your game plan, your execution and so on will lack the intensity needed to be successful. In your mind, you have a fall back. Don't listen to that little person in your head that says..."Oh well if I don't...."

Ok, now let's say some of you reading this believe you need a masters. And, based on your particular situation now is the time. Got it, good. Promise me that you will ask yourself these questions before you put your money down..

What will I do once I graduate with more education?
What is the perfect job?
Who do I know that did this and it helped them? How did it help them?
Based on how much the degree costs, how much more will I make because of it and how quickly will that increase off-set my expense for the degree?

Get your head around the benefits and have a plan as to how you plan to use it.

Enjoy and embrace the path you choose and always, always enjoy the journey.

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