How often do we hear or say...."I will" or "Sure, got it, I will call you Tuesday" or "Ill email you that..." or "Ill call then and follow up with you" or "OK, will do." How many times do we hear these kind of "promises" and how many times do we make these type of promises? How often does the intended behavior actually happen? Imagine the energy you feel in that moment, the statement is real, the intent is there (and, by the way, if the words aren't said with intent to execute, don't say them at all).
By executing our promise, we live and behave with consistency. Consistency is a key driver for being the best. Coaches don't win championships without follow up, execution and consistency; athletes don't sniff the Hall of Fame without game after game, year after year being consistent performers. Ask a coach, "would you rather have a athlete who goes out and strikes out four days in a row, but hits two bombs (home runs) on day four or would you rather have the athlete who gets you one hit a game day after day after day?" Easy decision. Corporate leaders want the same kind of players. Coaches want athletes they know will show up, who will do what they say they will do between games, who will make promises they can deliver on; no different then players want to play for a coach that delivers on the promises they make.
Take 20 minutes today and look back at your week, and ask yourself these questions:
Who did I meet with and/or speak with and what promises did I make?
What am I doing to ensure I execute against each and every promise (besides, "Ill remember")?
What is my plan to ensure I communicate and execute on my promises?
Executing against the promises we make is directly tied to consistent behavior and consistent behavior is a key driver for being the best. So, next time you say, "Ill send you that email..." or "lets get together...Ill email you to set it up...." I recommend...
Do it or don't say it.